Situation of the delivery service in Mexico

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Situation of the delivery service in Mexico

The changes are perceived in all aspects of our life; food is no exception. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors went out to hunt, plant and cook what they produced, then certain people made food and others ate what others prepared, but evolution caught up with us and could not help influencing our food. And in our way of obtaining it, now it is enough to select the dish we want through an app and not only that, but it is not even necessary that you go out to pick it up, they send it to you personally.

Mexico is not an exception in this of delivery services, currently it has several such as: Uber Eats, Rappi, Sin Delantal, Didi Food, Cornershop, etc. However, accessing these is not so easy, it is clear that they offer great advantages, but with them, high prices that limit access to a large part of the population.

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Before delving into the situation of these services within the aforementioned country, it must be clarified that they are not only companies in charge of going to a restaurant and bringing your food to your door, but that some also have more varieties of services that include: go to the supermarket, paying for services such as electricity, water, gas. All this without you having to leave home; all you have to do is download the app, create an account, place your order, and wait for the best efficiency from the company of your choice, such as Cornershop or Rappi.

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Now, fully entering the situation of these services in Mexico, Forbes Mexico has stated that, in the country, there are 52.4 million poor people and 9.3 million of them in extreme poverty, remember that it is a population of just over 120 million., where obviously ordering food in a restaurant or having access to the basic food basket is a luxury that not many have access to, so, few people are willing to pay for a home delivery service at an extra cost.

In addition, Forbes clarifies that the clients that use this service in Mexico are approximately 14%, while, in other countries with more experience within these services, the figure can double or even triple.

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New strategies

Faced with this obvious fruitless situation, Didi Food considered various options that would allow customers to access this service and that, at the same time, the company could generate profits. So, one of their strategies was to reduce shipments to 15 or 18 Mexican pesos (roughly less than a dollar).

Later the figures improved, more than 43 orders per minute were registered, more than 500 weekly orders. Where approximately a day, a delivery person delivers 18 orders, thus earning more than US $ 50 per day (according to the manager of Didi Food Mexico). But let’s keep remembering that the simple fact of being able to order food in a restaurant is already a great luxury in Mexico.

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Uber Eats

Uber Eats is the food delivery company par excellence, it has been in the country for more than 4 years; Almost a thousand restaurants are registered on this platform per month. With only one week in the country, they broke a record of 40,000 deliveries, this due to the innovation of the service. However, there is clearly strong competition, which is not a limitation for this company, since they consider that the competition favors the service.

Regardless of the difficulty of access to these services for a large part of Mexicans, their entry into the country has allowed the creation of several sources of work that do not require many requirements; With the simple fact of having access to a car, a bicycle or a motorcycle, you are already a candidate to be a delivery person, which helps the economy of these families.

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Delivery men

As mentioned, the director of Didi Food Mexico indicates that up to approximately US $ 50 per day can be earned, however, payment is not the only requirement that these companies must provide, since a recurring news is the unfortunate car accidents that people suffer for this work, not counting all the risks such as violence, robbery, etc. To those who are also exposed on a daily basis

Uber Eats, Rappi, Didi, etc. They must put their employees first, the problem is that, in many cases, they do not recognize the delivery men as part of their company, so they are not “obliged” to offer health insurance, benefits, etc. That, by law, all sources of employment must provide. In fact, on October 8, 2020, deliverers from several countries, not just Mexico, carried out a work stoppage to obtain the benefits that companies are obliged to provide. They were not deliverers from a single company, as they were from Rappi, Uber Eats, Didi, etc.

It should be noted that most of the delivery men within Mexico are young people who have no income and that their best and most honest alternative is to drive through dangerous streets, to finally deliver an order.

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Delivery services in Mexico cannot be classified as good or bad, their arrival in the country left benefits, as well as other aspects that still need to be improved, like everything else in this world. While the creation and arrival of new services to a country brings with it jobs, ideally these sources of work should be responsible enough not to expose their employees to more risks than is inevitable.

Mexicans are willing to work in often deplorable conditions, but, by necessity, they are forced to resign themselves and continue to expose their lives, fearful of speaking out against large companies. Mexico has very good services, the concept of Rappi, Uber Eats, Didi Food, etc. It is quite good and innovative, but unfortunately, they are in charge of favoring only a small sector of the total population; while another large part of the citizenry is forced to work without security guarantees, without the company supporting them.

As mentioned, the concept is good, but if companies took care of their employees, as well as their customers, that service would be even more authentic.

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