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A walk around Khewra Salt mine

It is the famous for pink salt which is usually sold in market as a Himalayan pink salt. This salt mine is a huge and beautiful tourist attraction which is visited by around 250,000 tourists in a year. This mine was discovered by Alexander troops in 32 BC. The significant tunnel was made by a mining engineer named Dr. H. Warth in 1872 when the British were ruling. Later on, after the independence of Pakistan, Pakistan mineral development corporation took over the mine and it is the biggest source of providing salt for the country. Khewra salt mine provides almost 35,000 tonns of more or less 99% pure Halite.
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Truck art in Pakistan

Do you like decorating your vehicles? We bet you do; even kids like their bikes decorated with colorful laces and bells. So is the case with Pakistani truck drivers. They spend a lot of money on decorating their trucks. Truck art depicts culture in Pakistan. Pakistan is a country which is close to nature. And Pakistani people takes their culture and traditions very seriously. Not all of them, but major cities and most of the cities among all of them in Pakistan, people love celebrating cultural festivals and keep presenting their culture occasionally.
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The transport industry in Nigeria is facing new and unpredictable challenges. As the coronavirus continues to spread, cities begin to reopen, and the public transport sector begins to move again, it is important to proceed with caution and keep safety in mind.
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Cashless services in Mexico

The forms of payment have changed, probably many years ago the most common way of paying in exchange for an object, a food, or a service, was by means of salt, hence the word “salary”. But today, in 2021, salt is only used at the table. At present, technology has reached us and the idea of a life without technology is complicated, since it has made our existence so much easier that it even influences our economic life.
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Situation of the delivery service in Mexico

The changes are perceived in all aspects of our life; food is no exception. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors went out to hunt, plant and cook what they produced, then certain people made food and others ate what others prepared, but evolution caught up with us and could not help influencing our food. And in our way of obtaining it, now it is enough to select the dish we want through an app and not only that, but it is not even necessary that you go out to pick it up, they send it to you personally.
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Food Delivery App in India

Have you at any point understood that the food industry is a trillion-dollar business, while the conveyance market is only a small part of this business? By perceiving the chance, numerous organizations in India have set their foot in the food delivery service business. Truth be told, as per Forbes, it’s assessed that the business will have yearly deals of $365 billion worldwide by 2030! Who doesn’t wish to sit inside the solace of your homes, have your favorite food, and binge-watching your #1 show on Netflix? The numerous best food delivery apps are performing on their highlights to improve lives.
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Food delivery service is the concept of ordering or calling in food from a restaurant or a fast food joint, the restaurant would then prepare the food you have ordered, and then send a driver or rider to your sent address to deliver the food to you.
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Cash is king! This quote is facing a serious threat as Nigeria is marching towards becoming a cashless society. The recent trends suggest that digital money will soon replace physical cash in Nigeria. Many countries are making active efforts to remove cash in circulation, Nigeria inclusive. Nigerians do not have many or current cashless services but there are ways in which Nigerians pay cashlessly. Here are few of them
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Delivery Services In Belarus

Delivery Services In Belarus Home delivery is one of the safest ways to replenish food supplies during the coronavir...
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How often people switch their jobs in Pakistan?

First things first, getting a job is never easy, at least not for everyone. No matter, which country you are living and finding job in. Especially if you are a fresh graduate. Finding jobs if you have just finished your bachelors is another thing, well, switching job is another.
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