A fiction for life’s learnings- The last gambit
The last gambit is a spiritual fiction book written by Om Swami. Om Swami is a monk and author of fifteen books including best-sellers like Kundalini.He is from India.This book is among the best books written by Om Swami. Through his books Om Swami tries to teach people important aspects of life. These aspects are often overlooked or forgotten by many people. It is essential for us to pay attention to these things as life is unpredictable and always being able to understand change is not possible. Hence, the books written by Om Swami help us to understand various aspects of life in a much better way. They guide us towards a much more peaceful and happy life.
Learning from master
The book is about the story of a young boy named Vasu at a chess tournament who is observed by an old man. After the tournament the old man talks to the young boy and tells him that he wants to teach him chess. Soon the two begin their training. The child is too impatient as he is young and gets angry as his master never lets him win. He tells him to have a cola as it helps to calm down. The young boy slowly learns a lot about the game and life from his master. During the initial stages when both begin their practice the master tells Vasu that they will always be involved in chess. He says that they will be so dedicated to chess that they will always play, read, talk about chess, study their old games and if they tired doing all this then they will watch others play to learn. This clearly shows how dedicated the master was and how much he really wanted Vasu to learn. The master wanted Vasu to teach everything he knew and he even wanted him to become way better than him not just in chess but also in life. So, he teaches him a lot about life, relations and imparts huge patience and confidence in Vasu. He believes that all this help him face everything rough time in life without giving up.
Ranked player
Slowly Vasu begins to face many problems. However, at every moment his master is there to guide him and helps him to face everything. Vasu also falls in love and when he shares it with his master, he gives him the best advices about love and tells him to always remain patient. Vasu is always curious to know about the personal life of his master but his master made it a rule that he would never share anything about his personal life. Slowly as Vasu begins to do better at chess, he starts to take part in tournaments and slowly and gradually he becomes a ranked player one day. At the time of his final chess grandmaster tournament, he faces huge competition as the opponent he faces is extremely tough. At this moment his master is not there to support and guide him. Even after all the problems and tough challenges Vasu wins and when he returns, he goes to meet his master. Soon he learns that his master is no more, at this moment all his anger vanishes. He realizes everything that his master had done for him all his teachings. He took his master’s old clothes and went out. He sees two children playing chess he goes towards them and remembers when he saw his master for the first time.
What can we learn from this book ?
The story teaches us about different lessons of life. Such as patience and believing in yourself. With the help of such stories Om Swami wishes to teach us some crucial lessons. Though ‘The Last Gambit’ Om Swami teaches us about the importance of relations in our life, self-belief and patience. These stories help individuals to nurture themselves and gain positive energy. All books written by Om Swami help individuals to gain positive energy and knowledge. Om Swami believes that everyone can do meditation not just by sitting straight for hours but by focusing on what they are doing at the present moment. Om Swami conveys the readers about meditation in a simple way which they can understand more easily and also imply to their daily life. For example, the book The Last Gambit deals with being self-reliant, valuing your family, focusing on your work, dedication and hard-work. All these values are essential in our daily life and Om Swami tries to teach these things by the way of a story.
Om Swami focuses on enhancing the positive energy in an individual. He aims to do this with the help of this story. All readers have learned a lot about values, life, passion, dedication, wiliness and hard-work. This spiritual fiction book is among the best-selling books and many people even recommend that such books should be a part of Indian education curriculum so that children can learn more about values and develop a positive state of mind. Such books are crucial as they help to initiate good values in an individual and help them to learn positive attributes such as meditation and patience. Om Swami wants the world to become a peaceful place where everyone can enjoy their lives and be happy. He wishes to convey his teaching in every format which is possible. He believes that people can learn best by stories. Hence, he decided to write this book The Last Gambit to teach people about spiritual happiness, meditation, peace and patience.
Om Swami is a great teacher who wishes to teach everyone about spiritual happiness and make the world a peaceful place. The Last Gambit teaches us about various things such as patience, hard-work, dedication and values. Hence, The Last Gambit is a great book which one must read to learn a lot about life and values.

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