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Other cultures


Health is a valuable resource for any society because no society can function if its members are not healthy and Nigeria is no exception. However, despite the desire for a healthy society, people run the risk of getting sick; and attract health professionals.
Other cultures


From research, it has been proven that people of United States are addicted to prescription medications. When dealing with health issues in United states, it is important to know that our bodies have its ability of fighting disease and keeping us healthy if we give it the right nutrient and supplement it demands.
Other cultures

You never knew this about Indian health culture before! Japan- to –India

India is well known for its mystical, rich, and diverse culture all around the world since ages. But did you know about its surprising traditional health culture? Is it distinct or similar to Japan? You will find out here, keep reading! While the longing for true health, well-being, and longevity is universal for everyone whether Indians or Japanese, they are diverse in their beliefs and cultures that make it more interesting.
Other cultures

Health culture of Sri Lanka

The culture or the believes, values, behavior, attitudes, and customs of a country influence greatly the health of the nation. Health culture can influence and determine the life expectancy, mortality, and morbidity rate within a country.
Learning Japanese

Italy is 2nd ! Which country is First ! ? Average age in the world

A high average age is proof of a prosperous society. The second highest average age in the world is Italy, which is 47.3 years old. The third place is Martinique (French territory), 47 years old. Which country is the highest ? What is the reason? If you are interested in the average age, longevity, how it works and what will happen in the future, please refer to it.
Learning Japanese


Your government or company provide you health insurance ? Are you satisfied with them ? In Japan , basically , there are 2 kind of health insurance. And the law requires citizens to join one of health insurances. Please read on if you are interested in Japanese Insurance system. And let’s learn Japanese related to insurance !
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